This was the right time to come back to Australia unexpected surgery


Hey there, I’m Josie, and I’ve just returned to Australia after 13 months of traveling through Southeast Asia. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my experiences of coming back home, reconnecting with family, trying Aussie foods, and dealing with unexpected events. Join me as I navigate through this new chapter of ReDiscovering Australia.

Reconnecting with Family

Upon returning to Australia, I spent precious time with my loved ones, including my best mate, Cappy. Adjusting to life back home meant surprising my mom after over a year of being away and enjoying traditional Aussie foods like sausage rolls and meat pies.

Exploring Australia’s Highways

Traveling from Sydney to Newcastle on the Pacific Highway, I marveled at the stunning views and Aussie traditions along the way. From drive-through coffee stops to scenic boat ramps, Australia’s highways offer a unique blend of convenience and natural beauty.

Aussie Culinary Delights

Indulging in Aussie favorites like sausage rolls and meat pies, I shared my unique way of enjoying these treats. Despite the high cost of living in Australia, savoring these iconic dishes brought back fond memories of home.

Caring for Cappy

Facing a health scare with Cappy, we rushed him to the vet for surgery to remove a concerning lump. The emotional rollercoaster of worrying about Cappy’s well-being amidst family challenges highlighted the importance of being there for our furry companions.

Gratitude and Resilience

Despite the ups and downs of returning home under difficult circumstances, I’m grateful for the support of my viewers, channel members, and loved ones. As we await Cappy’s test results and navigate through this period of uncertainty, I’m touched by the kindness and understanding of those around me.

Related Questions

1. How did reconnecting with family play a significant role in your return to Australia?

Reconnecting with family was a heartwarming experience after being away for so long. Spending quality time with my mom and loved ones helped me feel grounded and supported during a challenging time.

2. What were some of the unique Aussie traditions and culinary delights you enjoyed on your journey back home?

I savored classic Aussie foods like sausage rolls and meat pies, showcasing my quirky way of eating them. Despite the high prices in Australia, indulging in these comfort foods brought a sense of familiarity and nostalgia.

3. How did the health scare with Cappy impact your emotional journey back home?

Dealing with Cappy’s health issue added an extra layer of stress and worry to our return. The uncertainty of his condition and the need for surgery tested our resilience and emphasized the importance of caring for our beloved pet.

4. How did the support from your viewers and channel members contribute to your experience of coming back home?

The outpouring of support from viewers and channel members was incredibly touching and uplifting during a challenging time. Their understanding and patience allowed me to focus on family matters and caring for Cappy.

5. What lessons did you learn about gratitude and resilience through your journey of ReDiscovering Australia?

Through the highs and lows of returning home, I learned to appreciate the importance of gratitude and resilience. Being thankful for the support around me and staying strong in the face of adversity were key lessons that shaped my experience of rediscovering Australia.

By Kenya