Riding the Beijing Metro FIRST time   Public Transport in China 2024


Hey guys, have you ever wondered what it’s like to explore a metro system in a bustling city like Beijing? Join me on a journey as I share my experiences traveling on the modern metro in Beijing and compare it to the impressive metro system in Shanghai. From ticketing to station amenities, I’ll walk you through the intricacies of navigating the metro in China.

Experience in Shanghai Metro

The Shanghai metro system stands out as one of the most modern and impressive systems I’ve encountered. The stations are beautifully designed, and the signage is clear and easy to understand, making it a breeze to navigate through the city.

Comparing Shanghai and Beijing Metro Systems

While the Shanghai metro system is known for its modernity and aesthetic appeal, the Beijing metro system impresses with its efficiency and organization. Both metros offer English signage, making it convenient for tourists to get around.

Ticketing and Security Check

In Beijing, the process of getting a ticket involves going through a security check before entering the metro station. The ticket machines are easy to use, and the stations are well-marked, simplifying the journey for passengers.

Unique Features of Beijing Metro

One interesting feature of the Beijing metro is the way escalators work, with passengers standing side by side rather than leaving a free lane for walking. The metro also provides English warning signs and instructions, enhancing the experience for international travelers.

Station Amenities

Exploring a Beijing metro station reveals surprises like bakeries and vending machines offering a variety of snacks and drinks. The convenience and accessibility of amenities make the metro experience in Beijing unique and enjoyable.

Beijing Nightlife

Venturing out of the metro station at night in Beijing offers a glimpse into the vibrant nightlife of the city. From bustling streets to crowded restaurants, Beijing comes alive in the evenings, providing a different perspective of the city.


Exploring the metro systems in cities like Shanghai and Beijing not only offers a convenient way to travel but also provides insights into the culture and lifestyle of the locals. The experience of navigating through bustling stations and discovering unique amenities adds a special touch to the overall travel experience.

Related Questions

1. How does the Beijing metro system compare to the Shanghai metro system in terms of design and efficiency?
The Shanghai metro system is known for its modern design and aesthetic appeal, while the Beijing metro system impresses with its efficiency and organization.

2. What are some unique features of the Beijing metro system that differentiate it from other metro systems around the world?
One unique feature of the Beijing metro is the way escalators work, with passengers standing side by side rather than leaving a free lane for walking. The metro also provides English signage for international travelers.

3. What amenities can travelers expect to find in Beijing metro stations?
Travelers can find amenities such as bakeries, vending machines offering a variety of snacks and drinks, and clear English signage for easy navigation in Beijing metro stations.

4. How does Beijing’s nightlife scene near metro stations compare to daytime activities?
Exploring Beijing’s nightlife near metro stations offers a vibrant and bustling atmosphere, with crowded restaurants and lively streets, providing a different perspective of the city compared to daytime activities.

5. What cultural insights can be gained from traveling on the metro in cities like Beijing and Shanghai?
Traveling on the metro in cities like Beijing and Shanghai provides insights into the daily lives and routines of locals, as well as the convenience and efficiency of public transportation in bustling urban centers.

By Kenya