Riding Koreas FASTEST train   Bullet Train Seoul to Busan South Korea


Hey there, fellow travel enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a travel diary of a photographer exploring the scenic beauty of South Korea, particularly the journey from Seoul to Busan via a bullet train. Let’s delve into the exciting adventures and unique observations made along the way.

Exploring the Bullet Train Experience

The journey begins with a first-time experience of riding a bullet train in South Korea. The excitement and anticipation of the unknown add a thrill to the adventure. Despite missing out on a bullet train experience in Indonesia previously, the photographer is eager to see what this mode of transport has to offer.

Local Cultural Insights

As they navigate through Seoul, the photographer appreciates the local cultural nuances, such as the preference for beds on the floor and sofas on the ground. These differences in living spaces showcase the diversity in cultural practices between Western and Asian countries.

Cost-Effective Travel Options

The blog highlights the affordability of accommodations in Seoul, making it an attractive destination for budget travelers. While food and groceries may lean towards the higher end, transportation costs, especially for the bullet train, offer a competitive edge in terms of pricing.

Convenient Public Transport

The efficiency and affordability of the metro system in Seoul stand out, providing convenient access to different parts of the city. The seamless transition from the metro to the bullet train station showcases the well-connected public transport infrastructure in South Korea.

Culinary Delights at the Train Station

A glimpse into the variety of snacks available at the train station reveals the diverse culinary offerings in South Korea. From traditional Korean delicacies like kimchi to fusion options like kimchi rice bowls, the food scene at the station reflects the rich gastronomic culture of the country.

Scenic Train Journey

As the bullet train whisks through the Korean countryside, the photographer admires the picturesque landscapes and mountainous terrains. The rapid yet smooth journey offers a unique perspective of South Korea’s natural beauty.

Arrival in Busan

The final destination of Busan greets the photographer with its charm and beauty. Despite some challenges in navigating the local transportation system, the experience of exploring the city and its vibrant atmosphere is rewarding.

Insights on Taxi Services

The affordability and efficiency of taxi services in South Korea, particularly in Busan, come as a pleasant surprise to the photographer. Comparisons to transportation costs in other countries add a valuable perspective on the convenience of getting around in South Korea.

Weather and Travel Reflections

The journey concludes with reflections on the weather and travel experiences in South Korea. Despite encountering cloudy skies, the overall travel experience and cultural immersion leave a lasting impression on the photographer.


1. What cultural differences did the photographer notice between living spaces in Western countries and South Korea?
2. How does the affordability of accommodations in Seoul compare to other popular travel destinations?
3. What unique culinary offerings were available at the train station in South Korea?
4. How did the photographer describe the scenic beauty of the Korean countryside during the train journey?
5. What insights were shared regarding the efficiency and affordability of taxi services in Busan compared to other transportation options?


1. The photographer observed cultural differences such as the preference for beds on the floor and sofas on the ground in South Korea, which differed from Western living spaces.
2. Accommodations in Seoul were highlighted as affordable, making it an attractive destination for budget travelers compared to other popular travel destinations.
3. The train station in South Korea offered a variety of snacks, including traditional Korean delicacies like kimchi, kimchi rice bowls, and fusion options like kimchi rolls, showcasing the rich gastronomic culture of the country.
4. The photographer described the Korean countryside as picturesque, with mountainous terrains adding to the scenic beauty observed during the train journey.
5. The photographer was pleasantly surprised by the affordability and efficiency of taxi services in Busan, emphasizing the convenience and cost-effectiveness compared to other transportation options in the city.

By Kenya