Banana is DIFFERENT in Sri Lanka


Traveling can bring about unexpected and delightful experiences, such as trying new foods in different locations. One such experience was trying a small banana in the back of a TukTuk, which turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

Trying the Small Banana

So here I was, in the back of a TukTuk, with no hands free but determined to try one of these small bananas. I usually prefer larger bananas, not too soft or too green. But this small banana seemed intriguing.

A Unique Taste Experience

To my surprise, this small banana didn’t taste like a typical banana at all. It resembled more of a banana cake, with an exceptionally sweet flavor that caught me off guard. It was a delightful deviation from the usual banana taste.

Comparing to Candy

The sweetness of this small banana was so intense that it reminded me of eating candy. The experience was so different from what I expected from a banana, making it a unique and enjoyable treat.

Caloric Content of Bananas

Despite the delicious taste and sweet flavor, it’s crucial to note that bananas are not high in calories. Even if you have a whole kilo of bananas, the amount of carbohydrates in them is relatively low, making them a healthy snack option.

Related Questions

1. How did the taste of the small banana differ from a regular banana?
– The small banana tasted more like a banana cake and was exceptionally sweet.

2. What was the surprising aspect of the small banana’s flavor?
– The intense sweetness of the small banana made it reminiscent of eating candy.

3. Are bananas high in calories?
– No, bananas are not high in calories; even with a kilo of bananas, the carbohydrate content is relatively low.

4. Why is it essential to be particular about the ripeness of bananas?
– Being specific about the ripeness of bananas ensures the desired taste and texture, as they can vary significantly based on ripeness.

5. What makes bananas a healthy snack option despite their sweet taste?
– Bananas are a healthy snack option due to their low-calorie content and beneficial nutrients, making them a nutritious choice for a quick snack.

By Kenya