Riding the worlds CHEAPEST metro   China Vlog 2024 British  Italian First time in China


Traveling to different cities gives us a unique perspective on the world. As a photographer who loves to explore new places, I recently had the opportunity to visit Chongqing, China, and experience its modern metro system. In this blog post, I will share my insights and experiences while navigating the bustling metro stations and vibrant streets of Chongqing.

Exploring the Chongqing Metro

I’ve never seen so many people in a metro station before! The Chongqing Metro is bustling with activity, offering a glimpse into the daily lives of the city’s residents. The modernity and efficiency of the metro system are truly impressive, especially when compared to other metros around the world.

Scenic Train Rides

Riding the metro in Chongqing felt like being on one of the most scenic train journeys I’ve ever experienced. Despite the crowds, the views of the city’s cliffside and bustling streets were breathtaking. It was a unique blend of urban landscape and natural beauty that made the journey memorable.

Cultural Insights

One interesting aspect of the Chongqing Metro is how it integrates with the city’s commercial spaces. Walking through shops to access the subway stations adds a unique cultural touch to the commuting experience. It’s a reminder of how daily life and commercial activities intersect in Chinese cities.

Food and Nightlife Adventures

Exploring the streets of Chongqing at night revealed a vibrant and bustling cityscape illuminated by neon lights. From trying local vegetarian buffets to experiencing the lively Saturday night atmosphere, every moment was filled with excitement and new discoveries. The food offerings were not only delicious but also incredibly affordable, showcasing the city’s culinary diversity.

Reflections on Chongqing

Chongqing left a lasting impression with its dynamic blend of modernity and tradition. The city’s energy, architectural marvels, and bustling streets make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a unique travel experience. Despite the crowds and busy streets, the charm and vibrancy of Chongqing shine through, making it a memorable destination for travelers.


1. How does the Chongqing Metro compare to other metros you’ve experienced in different cities?
2. What was the most memorable aspect of your scenic train ride in Chongqing?
3. How did the integration of commercial spaces with the metro stations add to your cultural experience in Chongqing?
4. What stood out to you the most about the food offerings and nightlife in Chongqing?
5. In what ways did Chongqing’s unique blend of modernity and tradition make it a memorable destination for you as a traveler?

Answers to Questions

1. The Chongqing Metro stands out for its modernity and efficiency, offering a unique blend of urban landscape and natural beauty during the scenic train rides. Comparatively, the integration of commercial spaces with the metro stations adds a unique cultural touch to the commuting experience that sets it apart from other metros.

2. The most memorable aspect of the scenic train ride in Chongqing was the breathtaking views of the city’s cliffside and bustling streets. Despite the crowded metro, the beauty of the urban landscape and natural surroundings made the journey truly unforgettable.

3. The integration of commercial spaces with the metro stations in Chongqing added a unique cultural dimension to the commuting experience. Walking through shops to access the subway stations showcased how daily life and commercial activities intersect in Chinese cities, providing insights into the local culture and lifestyle.

4. The food offerings and nightlife in Chongqing stood out for their vibrancy, diversity, and affordability. From trying local vegetarian buffets to experiencing the lively Saturday night atmosphere, every moment was filled with excitement and new discoveries, making it a memorable culinary and nightlife experience.

5. Chongqing’s unique blend of modernity and tradition, reflected in its energy, architectural marvels, and bustling streets, made it a memorable destination for its charm and vibrancy. Despite the crowds and busy streets, the city’s dynamic atmosphere and cultural richness left a lasting impression on travelers seeking a one-of-a-kind travel experience.

By Kenya