Halifax Port of Call


Hey there, fellow travelers! Today, I’m excited to take you on a journey to Halifax, Canada, a charming coastal city known for its fall flavors, seafood, and scenic waterfront. Join me as we explore the streets of Halifax, searching for souvenirs, sampling local cuisine, and creating memories along the way.

Celebrating Life and Travel

As we wander through the streets of Halifax, I can’t help but reflect on the significance of this trip. It marks three years of being cancer-free for me, a milestone worth celebrating. To commemorate this journey and all the places we’ve visited, we’re putting together a shadow box filled with mementos from each port. It’s not just about collecting souvenirs; it’s about cherishing the moments and experiences that have shaped us.

Exploring Halifax’s Culinary Delights

One of the highlights of traveling is tasting the local cuisine, and Halifax doesn’t disappoint. While we haven’t tried authentic Canadian poutine yet, we’re eager to indulge in some classic comfort food. Poutine may not have left a lasting impression on us during a scorching hot day at Disney, but we’re willing to give it another chance in its home country.

Immersing in Local Culture

A visit to a T-shirt shop in Halifax leads us to discover unique treasures like seashell charms with inspiring words etched on them. These little gems not only make perfect additions to our scrapbook but also serve as reminders of the values we hold dear – dream, courage, love, belief, and joy. It’s these unexpected finds that make travel truly special.

Embracing Playfulness and Spontaneity

Travel isn’t just about sightseeing and ticking off landmarks; it’s also about embracing moments of playfulness and spontaneity. From attempting to do a quirky dance in a souvenir shop to contemplating sitting on a rock for a rest, every whimsical detour adds a touch of joy to our journey. It’s these lighthearted experiences that make travel memorable.

Reflecting on the Joys of Exploration

As we soak in the sights and sounds of Halifax, from the bustling waterfront to the cozy beer garden, I’m reminded of the simple joys of exploration. Travel isn’t just about discovering new places; it’s about opening our hearts to new experiences, connecting with the local culture, and creating lasting memories along the way. Halifax may be known for its pointy bit, but to us, it’s a treasure trove of moments waiting to be captured.


1. What milestone are you celebrating during your trip to Halifax?

– Answer: I’m celebrating three years of being cancer-free, a significant milestone in my life.

2. What local delicacy are you eager to try in Halifax?

– Answer: I’m excited to indulge in some classic Canadian poutine, a comfort food that I haven’t had the chance to enjoy authentically yet.

3. How do you commemorate your travels in Halifax?

– Answer: I’m putting together a shadow box filled with mementos from each port we’ve visited, creating a visual memory of our journey.

4. What unexpected treasure did you find in a T-shirt shop in Halifax?

– Answer: I discovered seashell charms with inspiring words etched on them, which served as perfect additions to our scrapbook.

5. What aspect of travel do you emphasize besides sightseeing?

– Answer: I emphasize embracing playfulness and spontaneity, finding joy in quirky experiences and lighthearted detours that make travel truly memorable.

By Kenya